Synthetic Turf Study in Public Open Space

Past generations have left us the legacy of open grassland ovals. However, some councils and sports clubs are pushing for our natural turf fields to be replaced by synthetic turf without consideration of a properly constructed and maintained natural grass field.

A  Report on Synthetic Fields by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment (Nov 2021) identified that “there are significant concerns within the community about its use and councils need consistent guidelines that address the pros and cons.”

Key findings from the report:

1. Best practice natural turf design and maintenance has the potential to improve the capacity of existing natural turf fields to support increased sporting use.

2. Lack of available information on best practice construction and maintenance of natural turf fields influences and constrains council decision making.

A report by the NSW Chief Scientist on the impact of synthetic fields on the environment and health is expected to be published in 2022. Click here to view a progress report