Christison Park Draft Plan of Management and Survey
Woollahra Council, the Manager for Crown Land Christison Park, has embedded changes into its new Draft Plan of Management (POM) for Christison Park, which will change the park from a shared passive and active recreation area (as described in the present POM ) into a Sports Complex with Flood/ Sports lights.
The changes include Artificial Turf, fencing and an additional 48 hours of sports usage per week (as per Council’s 19.8.19 FC&S Agenda. This was hidden under ”UPGRADE OF PLAYING FIELDS WITH ARTIFICIAL TURF”. On page 88 it states an additional 48 hrs of sport per week.). Presently there is 15 hrs sport per week.
Council has proposed busing in sports teams from far and wide, including from Manly.
The new Draft POM states: ”Development…. sporting facilities ….amenities not limited to lighting‘’ and that dogs are prohibited when organised sport being played.
“When organised sport is not being played, passive recreation use is permitted, e.g walking, dog exercise as per sign posted………Prohibited use Unleashed dogs 10.30am -3.30pm and when organised sport is being played” (Tables 19 & 20)
Besides other things dog off leash time in this major timed dog off leash park will be grossly reduced.
These changes are against the wishes of the residents and park users, as shown in responses to Council’s Crown Land Survey for Christison Park, who dont want any more built environment in Christison Park and want to retain the open natural, heritage relevant coastal park, which should be protected as Centennial Park is.
There was NO analysis by Council of the responses to the open-ended questions in Council’s Survey for the new Plan of Management for the park. To see the analysis of the responses from residents and park users which SCPAG organised click here.
Council has previously acknowledged major community resistance to Flood/Sports lights in Christison Park. Whereas previously Council tried to pass Flood/ Sports Lights in our park by way of a DA, which allowed people to make submissions, now it has embedded Lights into the new Draft POM, which if passed people won’t be able to object to. In 2008 when this matter arose (and SCPAG formed) there were 2,500 signatures to a petition opposing Sports Lights in Christison Park.
Further, Council is misinforming the public by claiming that the responses to Council’s Crown Land Reserves Survey for Christison Park “shaped” the Draft POM, when the this is not the case.
We need to object to the new Draft POM for Christison Park and insist that all reference to Flood/ Sports Lights be removed the draft and not included in any new Plan of Management.
CIICK HERE for further information and recommended actions
Save Christison Park Action Group