** Documents relating to NSW Draft Guidelines For Decision Makers - Synthetic Turf

FIFA Quality Programme for Football Turf Handbook of Requirements (2015 Edition)

The manufacturer should be asked to supply to the purchaser an assurance that the sports surface together with its supporting layers, does not contain in its finished state any substance which is known to be toxic, mutagenic, teratogenic or carcinogenic when in contact with the skin. Furthermore that no such substances will be released as a vapour or dust during normal use. (page 27)

Systematic Assessment of Surface Temperatures and Associated Environmental Impacts – Dr Sebastian Pfautsch

Synthetic turf is also widely used in playgrounds of parks, schools, early learning centres and increasingly around residential homes. These applications aim to benefit from the durability of the material, its visual appearance as ‘green grassy’ surface without the need for irrigation, and general low maintenance. However, synthetic turf, as small-scale application in a front garden or
neighbourhood playground, or as large-scale application on a professional soccer field comes with a range of environmental impacts.

Sports, Climate Change and Legal Liability – 2024 Report from EDO – Summary

As the most well-resourced and influential stakeholders in the sporting world, sporting governing bodies (particularly national bodies) have an elevated duty to ensure that they identify and comprehensively manage the risks of climate change in ways that do not exacerbate the problem, but rather contribute to mitigation and adaptation solutions.

Public Open Space Strategy for NSW – 2022

The Public Open Space Strategy for NSW provides a framework for implementing policies across Government and contributes to a more joined-up approach to public open space planning and delivery.

Independent review into the design, use and impacts of synthetic turf in public open spaces Final report – NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer

Synthetic turf has become ubiquitous in both public and private settings, and there is interest in understanding the impacts of materials used in its installation. In November 2021, the Hon. Rob Stokes MP, (then) Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, requested the NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer (CSE) provide expert advice on the use of synthetic turf in public open space in NSW.

Following the Terms of Reference, the Office of the Chief Scientist and Engineer (OCSE) has completed its independent review (the Review). To inform the Review, OCSE has drawn on available data and research, commissioned expert analysis, and undertaken consultation with key stakeholders and experts.

October 2022